Dhouglas Antonini
Sports Physiotherapist
Chinese Olympic Committee
Dhouglas Galvão Antonini and I am a 32 years old Brazilian physiotherapist who graduated in Physical Therapy by the Universidade Lusiadas, Santos, São Paulo State, Brazil, in 2009. Also, in December 2014, I am specialized in multi-professional orthopedics by Hospital Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil. Since my graduation in 2009, I have been working in the field of Sports Physiotherapy for the Chinese Olympic Committee and important Brazilian Clubs located in the cities of Santos and São Caetano do Sul, in São Paulo State, Brazil. My resume will give you detailed information about my career growth and experience as a sports physiotherapist. I’m completely sure that I can make the most of my qualification in Physiotherapy skills. I am able to assess the efficiency of treatment plans and modify them according to the patient's needs. I am self-motivated and have been working with outstanding attention to detail. Also, I have the ability and willingness to take on further training for self-development.
Research Interest
Sports Physiotherapist